Listen to Bloomberg Radio WBBR with VLC

For years I have been using volumio to listen to radio stations with a Raspberry Pi, but recently it got a bug where it would constantly restart making it useless. Tried a few options, but they all had issues, and then I wondered if I can just use VLC to listen to web radio. Ends up you can. I used VLC media player 3.0.16 and the steps below did the trick:

Media->Open Network Stream->Network tab->Enter network URL:

Press Play

I would expect this to work as long as WBBR uses the service in the URL to stream the radio feed. This could change at any time, but I have been using this for sometime without issue. This could be used for other stations, but you need to find the URL for the feed. Took some digging to find the WBBR feed, but after kicking over many rocks, I finally found it.

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